
Updated on 06/10/2022
The fall sports physicals provided by Muhlenberg, will be held on Wednesday, June 12th in the HS main gym. Doors close at 7:45PM. No walk-ins permitted. You must be registered on-line in order to get your physical. You must print out physical forms (sections 1, 5 and 6), fill out section 1 (Emergency Info) 5 (Health History), and bring all 3 sections (1, 5 & 6) along with $10 Cash to the physical, at your sports designated time (please see times below). If you are not registered and/or do not bring the required and properly completed paperwork and/or do not bring $10 cash, you will not be permitted to get your physical and will have to do so on your own time, either with your family physician or Urgent Care/Patient First.
If you go to family physician, patient first, or urgant care for your physical, it must be on the PIAA forms, no other forms will be accepted as a sports physical. Physical must also be dated June 4th, 2019 or later. Anything earlier will not be accepted, and you will have to get another physical with the acceptable date. Do not let family physician/patient first/urgent care tell you otherwise. If physicals are not on the correct paperwork, and are not dated correctly, students will NOT be allowed to participate in athletics.
5:00PM- Girls Tennis
5:05PM Boys Golf
5:10PM- Boys and Girls Water Polo
5:20PM- Boys and Girls HS and JH Cross Country
5:30PM- JH and HS Football
6:10PM- Boys and Girls HS and JH Soccer
6:50PM- HS and JH Field Hockey
7:10PM- HS and JH Girls Volleyball
7:30PM- HS and JH Cheerleading
7:45PM- Doors Closed and Locked
Thank you!